Frequently asked questions

1. What is an Islamic Funeral?

An Islamic funeral is considered a community event. Muslims believe a funeral to be a very spiritual occasion. Everyone in attendance participates in group prayers, in which mourners pray that Allah will have mercy on not only the deceased but also on all deceased Muslims.

Islamic funerals are to help mourners cope with their grief, but are also meant to offer hope for a good afterlife for the deceased. The service lasts 30 to 60 minutes.

2. What is the Islamic burial time limit?

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3. Do Muslim women attend Islamic funerals?

Traditionally, they do not. However, modern communities do allow women at the funeral prayer service.

4. Are non-Muslims allowed at Islamic funerals?

Yes, it is common for non-Muslims to attend Islamic funerals.

5. What is the dress code for an Islamic funeral?

For both men and women, dress should be modest. Men should wear a shirt and trousers. Women must wear a headscarf, plus an ankle-length skirt and a shirt with long sleeves and a high neck. Everyone should wear clean socks, as the shoes are removed before prayer.

6. What happens at a Muslim Funeral Service?

What happens at a Muslim funeral service is usually ruled by traditions of the Islamic faith. Family and friends of the deceased will gather in the prayer room, study room or courtyard of the mosque to perform Salat al-Janazah (funeral prayers). Every male must participate in the Salat-al-Janazah, but women may only participate if they are willing to do so. The final prayer is offered from the family and community to ask for forgiveness of the deceased.

The funeral service is led by an Imam (Islamic leader) and includes readings from the Quran. If you are of a different faith, you are encouraged to quietly listen to the readings and prayers.

7. What happens after a Muslim Funeral service?

Like the ceremony itself, what happens after a Muslim funeral service is dictated by the Islamic faith, and the family's wishes. After a Muslim funeral service and burial, family will typically gather in their home and receive guests. During the first three days of mourning, the community usually provides food for the family. Mourning typically lasts for 40 days but can vary depending on the family.

A Muslim widow is allowed 4 months and 10 days of mourning, during which she is not permitted to re-marry or interact with other men. This tradition is to rule out whether she is pregnant, as well as give her time to come to terms with the loss.